mardi 9 octobre 2018

Bazel Jasmine Tests No Spec found

I am working with bazel in javascript with jasmine. I have been able to run tests successfully with my older app which is written in plain javascript.

I have an app that is written with ES6 markup and hence i use babel. The way i am able to use babel with bazel is by having a binary babel target and pre-compiling source files then use those targets in a nodejs_binary rule. That works fine. However my tests do not work...bazel says no specs found.

Apparantly bazel is unable to find the spec folder. I think this is because they are pre-compiled with a genrule. I am not sure though. Its my only clue since the similar app i have here works fine.

Is there a way around this? I am not entirely sure how Jasmine works with bazel.

    name = "tests",
    data = [
    node_modules = "@npm_deps//:node_modules",

# Compile source files with babel
    name = "compiled_src",
    srcs = [
    outs = ["src"],
    cmd = "$(location babel) src  --out-dir  $@",
    tools = [":babel"],

    name = "compiled_test",
    srcs = [
    outs = ["spec"],
    cmd = "$(location babel) spec  --out-dir $@ ",
    #    output_to_bindir = 1,
    tools = [":babel"],

    name = "babel",
    entry_point = "npm_deps/node_modules/babel-cli/bin/babel",
    install_source_map_support = False,
    node_modules = "@npm_deps//:node_modules",

    name = "src_files",
    srcs = glob([

    name = "test_files",
    srcs = glob([

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