lundi 8 octobre 2018

Do Licenses for Test Libraries Apply to Production Code?

My interest in this question stems from concern over the lack of a license in a testing framework I came across (make-it-easy). My worry was that the lack of a license in this case would leave my (proprietary) distributed production code vulnerable to legal hassle (though I recognize this is unlikely).

However, this concern led to the following question: do the licenses on open-source testing libraries (e.g. JUnit) even apply to the production code that is tested using them? After all, that code will not be distributed with any dependencies on the testing libraries.

In Googling and searching SO I have not found a definitive answer to this. It seems as if everyone is working under the assumption that the licenses do indeed cover that production code, but I would like a definitive answer and an explanation of that answer.

(Please note that this question is not on Open Source because it does not have to do with "producing, distributing, marketing and monetizing Free and Open projects")

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