mercredi 10 octobre 2018

Embedded mongodb thow MongoSocketReadException in tests

I configured embedded mongodb for test. If all of them executed the MongoSocketReadException: Exception receiving message Caused by: Connection reset appears in different test. However when the each of them executed one by one there is no any issue.

The configuration is made in following way

   @DependsOn("embeddedMongoServer") // name has been taken from org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.mongo.embedded.EmbeddedMongoAutoConfiguration.embeddedMongoServer
@Bean                                    // client should start after server start
public MongoClient getMongoClient(IMongodConfig: mongodConfig){
    return new MongoClient(,

and the main class has the following annotation: @SpringBootApplication(exclude = [MongoAutoConfiguration::class, MongoDataAutoConfiguration::class, EmbeddedMongoAutoConfiguration::class])

in the pom I have the following (spring data is not used):

    <relativePath/> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->

The tests use mongodb in the following way:


class SomeTest{

private MongoClient mongoClient;
private MongoDatabase db;

public void prepareDb() {
    db = mongoClient.getDatabase("dbName")
    mongoCollection = db.getCollection("collection")

class BasicTestsWithSampleData {
    public populateDb(){

    public clearDb(){

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