mardi 2 octobre 2018

OWASP ZAP : How to perform authentication when API endpoint only accepts raw XML?

I'm currently working at testing an Angular 6 application using OWASP ZAP. I really enjoy this tool, but like many of us, I struggle with the authentication part, and without it the whole tool turns into a nothing burger.

The login route is accessible on my localhost at /login and my API endpoint only accepts raw XML such as:

      <CustomField DataType="S32">blablabla</CustomField>

I get a token in response, but the API requires it to be sent in the body as a field of each request rather than as an Authorization header.

Also, running the spider does not give me any time to login manually, and I can't really provide any string to tell if I'm logged in or logged out as my Angular app is not server rendered.

Any light is welcome, Thanks!

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