mardi 9 octobre 2018

Testing a fs library function with Jest/Typescript and a dummy function

In trying to test a library function that utilized the fs module, I was given help in this question to better test the functionality, without the mocks, which I agreed with @unional was a better method.

I am trying to do the same with the accessSync method, but it is not working the same way and needs some changes for testing.

My code, following the changes suggested by @unional:

import fs from 'fs';
export function AccessFileSync(PathAndFileName: string):boolean {
    if (PathAndFileName === undefined || PathAndFileName === null || PathAndFileName.length === 0) {
        throw new Error('Missing File Name');
    try {
        AccessFileSync.fs.accessSync(PathAndFileName, fs.constants.F_OK | fs.constants.R_OK);
    } catch {
        throw new Error('Cannot Access File');
    return true;
AccessFileSync.fs = fs;

Now, to try to test it, I would:

describe('Return Mock data to test the function', () => {
    it('should return the test data', () => {
        // mock function
        AccessFileSync.fs = {
            accessSync: () => { return true; }
        } as any;

        const AccessAllowed:boolean = AccessFileSync('test-path');      // Does not need to exist due to mock above

This does work for the first test, but subsequent tests, changing the test, does not get the new value. For instance:

describe('Return Mock data to test the function', () => {
    it('should return the test data', () => {
        // mock function
        AccessFileSync.fs = {
            accessSync: () => { return true; }
        } as any;

        const AccessAllowed:boolean = AccessFileSync('test-path');      // Does not need to exist due to mock above
describe('Return Mock data to test the function', () => {
    it('should return the test data', () => {
        // mock function
        AccessFileSync.fs = {
            accessSync: () => { return false; }
        } as any;

        const AccessAllowed:boolean = AccessFileSync('test-path');      // Does not need to exist due to mock above
        expect(AccessAllowed).toBeFalsy();  // <- This Fails

Also, I would like to have the tslint pass, which does not like the as any layout, and would prefer the Variable:type notation.

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