mardi 7 mai 2019

Group Samplers between a GET and a DELETE Sampler

I'm using JMeter Proxy Server to record series of HTTP requests from a program and JMeterhas already transform these HTTP requests to samplers for me. However, I want to group the samplers that are in-between a GET and a DELETE sampler.

Currently, the structure of my test plan generate by JMeterLooks like this:

- Test plan
-- GET Sampler1
-- POST Sampler2
-- DELETE Sampler3
-- GET Sampler4
-- POST Sampler5
-- DELETE Sampler6

Is there a way automatically or semi-automatically arrange the test plan into this structure:

- Test plan
-- Group1
--- GET Sampler1
--- POST Sampler2
--- DELETE Sampler3
-- Group2
--- GET Sampler4
--- POST Sampler5
--- DELETE Sampler6

where every sampler are group between a GET and a DELETE Sampler?

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