mardi 7 mai 2019

How do I query a map of subdocuments by a key in MongoDB?

I've created the following mongoose schema to save some music data that I pull from iTunes API:

const MusicAlbumSchema = new Schema({
  artist_name: {
    type: String,
    required: 'enter an artist name'
  album_name: {
    type: String,
    required: 'enter an album name'
  artwork_url: {
    type: String,
    required: 'enter an artwork url'
const SearchResultSchema = new Schema({
  created_date: {
    type: Date,
  search: {
    type: Map,
    of: [ MusicAlbumSchema ]

search field in SearchResultSchema takes a search query as the key (e.g. 'The Beatles'), and stores the returned results as the array of subdocuments of MusicAlbumSchema. In order to test it, I tried to write some mocha tests:

  it('Creates a search result with sub-documents', done => {
    const musicAlbum1 = new MusicAlbum({
      artist_name: 'The Beatles',
      album_name: 'Abbey Road',
      artwork_url: ''
    const musicAlbum2 = new MusicAlbum({
      artist_name: 'The Beatles',
      album_name: 'Let It Be',
      artwork_url: ''

    const result = new SearchResult({
      search: {}
    });'The Beatles', [musicAlbum1, musicAlbum2]); => {
        'The Beatles' : { $exists : true }
      }).then(records => {
        assert(records.length === 2);

What am I doing wrong and how do I properly query the saved data (particularly - search field in SearchResultSchema)?

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