mercredi 22 mai 2019

IIS Express cannot open file in Windows by using Visual Studio local testing

Before Windows updated recently, I could run Phantomjs with C# code in Visual Studio 2017. Now, I could not run it.

page = webpage.create();'index.html', function (status) {
--> status is fail 

But I tried to run Phantom.exe in CMD, it was successful.

Below is my code in C# that did not change for a while:

Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo
    UseShellExecute = false,
    CreateNoWindow = false,
    FileName = exeDir + "phantomjs.exe",
    WorkingDirectory = workingDir,
    Arguments = "--local-to-remote-url-access=true " + jsFile + " " + port

I tried to install IIS in Windows and Visual but also failed: (I am using .Net but not .NetCore)

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