jeudi 29 août 2019

Jest: How to mock a promise on the same file for resolve and reject options?

So I am attempting to test the positive and negative sides of my implementation. If I do this:

jest.mock('./apiClient', () => ({
  get: jest.fn((url: string) => Promise.resolve({ data: mockData }))

jest.mock('./apiClient', () => ({
  get: jest.fn().mockImplementation((url: string) => {
    console.log('error result');
    return Promise.reject(mockError);

Then the only test passing will be the last one declared. In the above case, it will be the reject case which will pass and the first mock will be ignored.

This is my whole test:

// @ts-ignore
import ApiClient from './apiClient';
import ApiService from './apiService';

const mockData = {};
const mockError = { message: 'Smth Bad Happened' };

const firstCallback = jest.fn((data: any) => data);
const secondCallback = jest.fn((data: any) => data);

jest.mock('./apiClient', () => ({
  get: jest.fn((url: string) => Promise.resolve({ data: mockData }))

jest.mock('./apiClient', () => ({
  get: jest.fn().mockImplementation((url: string) => {
    console.log('error result');
    return Promise.reject(mockError);

describe('apiService', () => {
  it('should call callbacks consequently', done => {
    ApiService.makeApiCall('testUrl', firstCallback, secondCallback).then(() => {


  it('should handle error', done => {
    console.error = jest.fn();
    ApiService.makeApiCall('testUrl', firstCallback, secondCallback).then(() => {
      expect(console.error).toBeCalledWith('ApiClient testUrl', mockError);

As it is right now, the test passing is should handle error which is the second one, but if I have switch the positions from

jest.mock('./apiClient', () => ({
  get: jest.fn((url: string) => Promise.resolve({ data: mockData }))

jest.mock('./apiClient', () => ({
  get: jest.fn().mockImplementation((url: string) => {
    console.log('error result');
    return Promise.reject(mockError);


jest.mock('./apiClient', () => ({
  get: jest.fn().mockImplementation((url: string) => {
    console.log('error result');
    return Promise.reject(mockError);

jest.mock('./apiClient', () => ({
  get: jest.fn((url: string) => Promise.resolve({ data: mockData }))

then the test passing will be should call callbacks consequently, so what can I do to mock both reject and resolve without interfering one with the other?

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