lundi 26 août 2019

Testing methods of class when instantiation creates HTTP request

I have some tests for an object that look like as follows:

let(:bot) {'/some/config/file.json') }

The problem is, the very act of instantiating MyObject creates an HTTP request. The following methods that I actually want to test do not create HTTP requests at all. E.g:

it "should parse Jira ticket key answers correctly" do                                                  
  expect(bot.offline_method(good_answer) == correct_outcome).to eq(true)
  expect(bot.offline_method(bad_answer) == correct_outcome).to eq(false)

How can I stub out the instantiation of itself?

For additional context, the instantiates a session using the google drive gem.

If I open an interactive Ruby environment and instantiate the bot as follows, it tells me the output is thus:

bot ='/some/config/file.json')
=> #<Object:0x007f6d07a10b50 @session=#<GoogleDrive::Session:0xabcdef1234567>, @MyObject_spreadsheet_responses_1=#<GoogleDrive::Worksheet spreadsheet_id="123456789abcdefghjijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", gid="123456789", title="title of first google sheet">, @MyObject_spreadsheet_responses_2=#<GoogleDrive::Worksheet spreadsheet_id="123456789abcdefghjijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", gid="1687481303", title="second_spreadsheet_title">>

So how exactly do I stub

let(:bot) {'/some/config/file.json') }


I know I want something like:

allow_any_instance_of( return {
#<Object:0x007f6d07a10b50 @session=#<GoogleDrive::Session:0xabcdef1234567>, @MyObject_spreadsheet_responses_1=#<GoogleDrive::Worksheet spreadsheet_id="123456789abcdefghjijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", gid="123456789", title="title of first google sheet">, @MyObject_spreadsheet_responses_2=#<GoogleDrive::Worksheet spreadsheet_id="123456789abcdefghjijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", gid="1687481303", title="second_spreadsheet_title">>

But I really have no clue what the exact syntax is I want or how to find it.

Thank you for any help!

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