lundi 30 septembre 2019

Testing a method which return me Null?

was Testing On One of my method In Controller And i was getting null while i am passing all the value of my object I was Getting AID 0 while i am passing all the values in object. It returns me Null on List Plan,Earning ,Member Info,Earning Response What is the Reason?? Get Method have following Repositories.

public class EarningController : BaseApiController
    private readonly IEarningRepository _earningRepository;
    private readonly IPlanRepository _planRepository;
    private readonly IAgentRepository _agentRepository;
    private readonly IPromotionRepository _promotionRepository;

    public EarningController(IEarningRepository earningRepository, IPlanRepository planRepository,
        IAgentRepository agentRepository, IPromotionRepository promotionRepository)
        _earningRepository = earningRepository;
        _planRepository = planRepository;
        _agentRepository = agentRepository;
        _promotionRepository = promotionRepository;

    public async Task<ActionResult> Get()
        List<Earning> earnings = await _earningRepository.GetProducerEarnings(AId);
        List<Plan> plans = await _planRepository.GetAllAsync();
        List<Promotion> promotions = await _promotionRepository.GetAll();
        //pending refer a friend
        List<MemberInfo> members = await _agentRepository.GetMembers(AId);
        List<EarningResponse> earningResponses = new List<EarningResponse>();

        foreach (var member in members)
            var memberPlan = plans.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == member.SubscriptionId);

            if (memberPlan != null)
                member.Subscription = memberPlan;

            var e = earnings.Where(x => x.MemberId == member.Id).ToList();
            if (e.Count > 0)
                earningResponses.Add(new EarningResponse(member, e, promotions));

        ReportResponse reportResponses = new ReportResponse(earningResponses);

        return new JsonContentResult { StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.OK, Content = JsonSerializer.SerializeObject(reportResponses) };

Here Is My Test Method Which i was Testing

public class EarningControllerTest
    EarningController _earningController;
    EarningRepository _earningRepository;
    PlanRepository _planRepository;
    AgentRepository _agentRepository;
    PromotionRepository _promotionRepository;

    DbContextOptionsBuilder<AgencyPortalDbContext> builder = new DbContextOptionsBuilder<AgencyPortalDbContext>()

    public async Task Get()

        using (var context = new AgencyPortalDbContext(builder.Options))
            var _earningRepository = new Mock<EarningRepository>(context);
            _planRepository = new Mock<PlanRepository>(context).Object;
            _agentRepository = new Mock<AgentRepository>(context).Object;
            _promotionRepository = new Mock<PromotionRepository>(context).Object;

            var httpContext = new DefaultHttpContext();
            httpContext.Request.Headers["token"] = "Bearer  //Set header
            var controllerContext = new ControllerContext()
                HttpContext = httpContext,
            _earningController = new EarningController(_earningRepository.Object, _planRepository, _agentRepository, _promotionRepository) { ControllerContext = controllerContext };

            //var Earning = new Earning()
            //    Id = 1,
            //    Agent = 1,


            var Earning = new Earning()
                Agent = new Agent
                    Address1 = "London",
                    AccountNumber = "1234567765432",
                    AgencyId = 1,
                    Id = 1,
                    City = "Rwp",
                    ContactNumber = "5555344",
                    LastName = "Khan",
                    Email = "",
                    FirstName = "Arslan",
                Id = 1,
                Amount = 200,
                Date = DateTime.Now,
           _earningRepository.Setup( x => x.GetProducerEarnings(Earning.Id)Returns(new List<Earning>()
                new Earning
                Id = 1, MemberId = 1,

             _earningRepository.Setup(x => x.GetProducerEarnings(It.IsAny<int>())).Callback(() => {
                 new List<Earning>()
                new Earning
                    Id = 1,
                    Agent = new Agent { AgencyId=1 }


    Assert.AreEqual(0, await context.Contacts.CountAsync());

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