mercredi 6 novembre 2019

Accessing a Thread variable in Rails Controller Test fails

I have a Ruby on Rails 5 application where I make use of a Thread variable to access the user initiating an action for my own proprietary logging. All is working fine until it comes to my automated tests.

I have a Module in lib/current.rb:

module Current
  thread_mattr_accessor :user

In my app/controllers/application_controller.rb, I set the current user like this:

around_action :set_current_user


def set_current_user
  Current.user = current_user
  Current.user = nil

With that, I am able to log the currently logged in user when creating/updating/deleting an entity in my application, e.g. in app/models/entity.rb:

after_create :log_create
before_update :log_update
before_destroy :log_destroy, prepend: true


def log_destroy

As stated above, that is working fine until I try to run my automated tests:

entity_instance = Entity.find([...])

This leads to the following error message:

Minitest::UnexpectedError: NoMethodError: undefined method `id' for nil:NilClass

I have assured that the error points to the non-existence of Current.user. Does anybody have an idea why this could be the case?

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