mercredi 20 novembre 2019

Cannot figure out how to use "link" button on build's test

Good day,

The company that I work for started using Azure DevOps to speed up the workflow and improve efficiency. We are still adapting to it and there is one particular question that I yet cannot answer. After a successful build, we are able to download the artifacts created (an html and an excel file) via Azure Artifacts which shows a button on the top right corner of the screenshot below:

Screenshot taken after a successful build

My team and I would like to access those files directly using the "link" button that is highlighted in grey on the bottom left of the above screenshot. This is because the artifacts downloaded in the manner described before the screenshot come in a .zip file and we would like to access them directly. In case the button has some other functionality I would like to know what that button is used for. I did a fair ammount of research while migrating to Azure DevOps but I could not find any information regarding this specific button.

The way in which we add the files to the build to later be presented as artifacs is shown below:  :

Thank you for your time, if you recquire any additional information please let me know.

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