mercredi 13 novembre 2019

Mocked function was called but JEST says it was not

I have a simple function in actions.js file:

import Vue from 'vue'

const actions = {
   foo() { 
      // someting else
      console.log(Vue.$communicates.display) // prints mocked function, so OK
      Vue.$communicates.display('foo') // my plugin

export default actions

now I want to mock 'vue' and detect if display function has been called. I wrote test in actions.spec.js:

jest.mock('vue', () => ({
    $communicates: {
        display: jest.fn()

import Vue from 'vue'
import actions from './actions.js'

describe('test', () => {
   it('should display communicate', () => {

And this code gives me an error:

Expected mock function to have been called, but it was not called.

I do not understand why.

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