vendredi 8 novembre 2019

Mockito NullPointerException - Not recognizing repository

I'm having trouble figuring out why Mockito is throwing a NullPointerException when I'm telling the mock to return true.

Here is my JUnit Test:

public class PizzaValidatorTest {

  private Pizza meatPizza;

  private PizzaValidator validator = new PizzaValidator();

  private IngredientRepository ingredientRepository;

  private PizzaSizeRepository pizzaSizeRepository;

  public void setUp() throws Exception {

    meatPizza = new Pizza();

    validator = new PizzaValidator();

  public void validateValid() {

The PizzaValidator class is implemented below:

public class PizzaValidator implements Validator<Pizza> {

  IngredientRepository ingredientRepository;

  PizzaSizeRepository pizzaSizeRepository;

  public boolean validate(Pizza entity) {
    return validatePizza(entity);

  private boolean validatePizza(Pizza pizza) {
    return validPizzaSize(pizza) && validIngredients(pizza);

  private boolean validPizzaSize(Pizza pizza) {
    return pizzaSizeRepository.existsById(pizza.getSizeDesc().getId());

  private boolean validIngredients(Pizza pizza) {
    for (Ingredient ingredient : pizza.getIngredients()) {
      if (!ingredientRepository.existsById(ingredient.getId())) {
        return false;
    return true;

For some reason it seems like Mockito isn't connecting the mock repository with my class repository, but I can't figure out why. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

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