vendredi 1 novembre 2019

Unit-testing of custom NLog filter class

While implementing custom NLog filter I tried to rely on WhenMethodFilter, which accepts lambda callback ShouldLogEvent. However to unit test that callback lambda I need to make it public in the class that generates the config, which is not idea - I hate making methods public just for the sake of testing.

    private void ReconfigureNlog(object state)
        var nlogConfig = ConstructNlogConfiguration();
        foreach (var rule in nlogConfig.LoggingRules)
            rule.Filters.Add(new WhenMethodFilter(ShouldLogEvent));

        // TODO: maybe no need to reconfigure every time but just modify filter reference?

Another approach would be to inherit Filter base class and try to cover that class with unit tests. But the issue that it does not have a public interface:

internal FilterResult GetFilterResult(LogEventInfo logEvent)
protected abstract FilterResult Check(LogEventInfo logEvent);

which makes this class also not testable unless I make my own methods public. As much as this seems to be a small issue, I'm curious if there is a better way. From my perspective making GetFilterResult internal is absolutely unnecessary, although it kinda following best design practices. Thoughts?

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