jeudi 30 janvier 2020

Jasmine Test Fails - But log suggests otherwise

This test is throwing the error Expected spy phone to have been called. - the mock class method is being called as demonstrated by the log in the terminal. The mock class is not being called by any other tests. I assume I am missing something simple here, but I am not sure why formatSpy in the test is failing.

My Provider in TestBed.ConfigureTestingModule:

        {provide: FormatService, useClass: FormatServiceMock},

My Mock Class:

        export class FormatServiceMock {
             phone() {
               console.log('format phone');

My Function Being Tested:

    public getPhone(): string {
        if ( && {
        } else {
            return '';

My Test:

        it('should call format service', () => {
   = data;
            let formatSpy = spyOn(format, 'phone').and.callThrough();

My Output:

LOG: 'format phone'
HeadlessChrome 79.0.3945 (Mac OS X 10.14.6): Executed 28 of 87 SUCCESS (0 secs / 1.477 secs)
LOG: 'format phone'
HeadlessChrome 79.0.3945 (Mac OS X 10.14.6) EnvironmentService getPhone should call format service FAILED
    Expected spy phone to have been called.

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