lundi 2 mars 2020

adding a return parameter to mock test

I am working with this test from Mike Rooney's Mint API:

import copy
import datetime
import json
import unittest

import requests

    from mock import patch  # Python 2
except ImportError:
    from unittest.mock import patch  # Python 3

import mintapi
import mintapi.api

accounts_example = [{
    "accountName": "Chase Checking",
    "lastUpdated": 1401201492000,
    "lastUpdatedInString": "25 minutes",
    "accountType": "bank",
    "currentBalance": 100.12,

class MintApiTests(unittest.TestCase):
    @patch.object(mintapi.api, 'get_web_driver')
    def test_accounts(self, mock_driver):
        token_json = json.dumps({'token': '123'})
        mock_driver.return_value.find_element_by_name.return_value.get_attribute.return_value = token_json

        accounts_json = json.dumps({'response': {'42': {'response': accounts_example}}})
        mock_driver.return_value.request.return_value.text = accounts_json

        accounts = mintapi.get_accounts('foo', 'bar')

        self.assertFalse('lastUpdatedInDate' in accounts)
        self.assertNotEqual(accounts, accounts_example)

        accounts_annotated = copy.deepcopy(accounts_example)
        for account in accounts_annotated:
            account['lastUpdatedInDate'] = (datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(account['lastUpdated'] / 1000))
        self.assertEqual(accounts, accounts_annotated)

        # ensure everything is json serializable as this is the command-line
        # behavior.

    def test_chrome_driver_links(self):
        for platform in mintapi.api.CHROME_ZIP_TYPES:
            zip_type = mintapi.api.CHROME_ZIP_TYPES.get(platform)
            zip_file_url = mintapi.api.CHROME_DRIVER_BASE_URL % (mintapi.api.CHROME_DRIVER_VERSION, zip_type)
            request = requests.get(zip_file_url)
            self.assertEqual(request.status_code, 200)

    def test_parse_float(self):

        answer = mintapi.api.parse_float('10%')
        self.assertEqual(answer, float(10))

        answer = mintapi.api.parse_float('$10')
        self.assertEqual(answer, float(10))

        answer = mintapi.api.parse_float('0.00%')
        self.assertEqual(answer, float(0))

get_web_driver originally returned a single parameter.

I have added an additional parameter to get_web_driver so the return line looks like this:

return driver, status_message

instead of

    return driver

The real code is working fine; I am having trouble getting Travis to pass the tests. I have tried adding an additional mocked parameter in various different ways, but the tests fail with the following:

ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 2, got 0)

I have two questions:

  1. Why is the mocked function not already returning one parameter?
  2. How do I add an additional parameter to pass the *&^%$%^ test?

thanks for any help you can give me.

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