mardi 28 avril 2020

How to validate a text for the webelement which is under Div/small/d tags C#

Below is the HTML code of the footer information of my webpage.

<div class="footer navbar-fixed-bottom">
    <div class="container">
            © 2020 <b>CT Bank Limited</b>&nbsp;- <b>Version:</b> 2.1.7418
            - <b>Release Date:</b><span id="releaseDate"> 23/04/2020</span>
            - <b>Web Host:</b><span id="webHost"> CBWFDEV01</span>
            - <b>Client Name:</b><span id="clientName"> cn8c04ba119a80</span>
            - <b>Request Time:</b><span id="requestTime"> 28/04/2020 9:23 AM</span>

I need to validate each text field in the footer information like CT Bank Limited/Version/Release Date/Web Host/Client Name/Request Time are present in the web page.

What is the right way to validate the above text in footer information.

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