mardi 28 avril 2020

Mockery mock and spy called 0 times on custom class in controller

I'm having difficulty with the spy and mock in Laravel 7 test when I test for MyCustomClass.

I have tried both mock before running $this->get and spy after $this->get. Both with the same error message (*below).

When running debug in the controller the $myCustomClass is still the MyCustomClass and not the mocked object.


class MyCustomClass
 public function execute()
   return 'hello';


class MyController
 public function show()
   $myCustomClass = new MyCustomClass();

   $data = $myCustomClass->execute();

   return $data;

private $mySpy;

public function testGetATreeNoCache()
        $spy = $this->spy(MyCustomClass::class); 

        $response = $this->get('/my/path');




Method execute(<Any Arguments>) from Mockery_2_App_MyCustomClass should be called
 at least 1 times but called 0 times.

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