jeudi 3 septembre 2020 can I scan the webpage for some

I have a case: get all "a" tags, then check if they have a [title] attribute.

This is my code that works:

it(`Accessibility -link title`, () => {
    cy.get("a").not("[href='#']").not("[href='']").each((link) => {

And this is cool until the test finds first element with wrong assertion. Then it fails and stops scanning forward, so I cant get knowledge about all elements without [title] atribute.

My intention is to scan whole "a" tags on the web page, and check which of them are w/o [title] attribute. Get a list of it at one test, not to avoid the test after first fail.

Is there a way, to make assertion, but when it fails: avoid the AssertionError so the test can move on until the end?

Thanks for every response!

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