jeudi 17 septembre 2020

Draw a program graph over multiple methods

How to draw a program graph similar to but with multiple methods?

As it seems the flow of data across methods are not necessarily in the order of declaration.

enter image description here

Mulitple Classes

 public class Temp
        private int lowThreshold = 18200; // 1
        private int firstTier = 37000; // 2
        private int firstTierBase = 3572; // 3

        public Temp(int income, int age, bool medicareLevy, bool TBRLevy, bool LILevy) // 4
            actualIncome = income - ReturnTax(income, age, medicareLevy, TBRLevy, LILevy); //5
        private double ReturnTax(int income, int age, bool medicareLevy, bool TBRLevy, bool LILevy) // 6
            double stage1 = 0.19; // 7
            double stage2 = 0.325; // 8
            double stage3 = 0.37; // 9
            double stage4 = 0.45; // 10
            double medicareLevyCharge = 0.02;  // 11
            double TBRLevyCharge = 0.02; // 12

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