jeudi 17 septembre 2020

How to test WireMockServer in JUnit5?

I am trying to write a mini-library for testing to mock common external services such as E-mail, SFTP, Buckets, HTTP APIs.

At the moment, I got stuck on WireMockServer. In WireMock docs it states that I can create both server and client to verify API calls.

I wrote the class:

public class WireMockTestServer {

    private final WireMockServer server;

    public WireMockTestServer(String address, MappingBuilder mappingBuilder) {
        server = new WireMockServer(wireMockConfig().dynamicPort().dynamicHttpsPort());

    public WireMockTestServer(int httpPort, int httpsPort, String address, MappingBuilder mappingBuilder) {
        server = setup(
                new WireMockServer(wireMockConfig().port(httpPort).httpsPort(httpsPort).bindAddress(address)),

    private WireMockServer setup(WireMockServer server, MappingBuilder mappingBuilder) {
        return server;

    public void start() {

    public void stop() {

which I can path endpoint declaration and redirect my services toward it.

When I am trying to test it:

public class WireMockTestServerTest {

    public void testSetup() throws Exception {
        MappingBuilder mappingBuilder = get(urlEqualTo("/health"))
                .willReturn(aResponse().withHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")
        WireMockTestServer server = new WireMockTestServer(8888, 9988, "", mappingBuilder);

        // This line should fail
        verify(getRequestedFor(urlEqualTo("/health")).withHeader("Content-Type", equalTo("text/xml")));


The test fails. The issue is, it fails not because of an assertion but because it starts on a wrong port 8080 which is occupied by other processes.

How can I start WireMockServer on another port and test it with JUnit 5?

I am using Java 8, Maven, Spring Boot.

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