mardi 15 septembre 2020

How to use .match() when I'm trying to loop through an object?

I'm trying to test my site navigation against what I have in a config file. I was getting a failure and determined the failure was because my config had title case but the DOM has upper case. I'd like the tests to be case agnostic as I find it easier to read a config file with title case. I'm sure I could do a .toLowerCase() or a .toUpperCase() or something, but seems to me like it would be best to try and use .match(). I'm not quite sure how to use it properly when trying to use it in a loop through object keys.

Sample Config:

"mainMenuNavTopLevel": {
        "Oneword": "/path1",
        "Two Words": "/path2"

Sample Test:

for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(config.mainMenuNavTopLevel)) {
            let caseKey = key.match(/`"${key}"/i)  // this doesn't seem to work

            // Verify the top menu nav items displayed match the keys in the object in config
            await t.expect(Header.mainMenuNavItem.withText(caseKey).exists).ok(`"${caseKey}" Main Menu Nav key does NOT match config`);

Line 24 errors with "text" argument is expected to be a string or a regular expression, but it was object.

How would I go about using match in this case? Is it even possible?

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