mercredi 16 septembre 2020

NUnit 3 - retry not being called on fail

I have a question about the NUnit retry attribute We are using

NUnit 3.12.0
NUnit3TestAdapter 3.17.0
C# and Selenium

This is a typical feature file

    Scenario Template: 01 Test footer options - Homeowner
      Given we set the destination to the homepage
      When  we select footer option "1"
      Then  we should see the url "tester" and title "test page"

This is the hook

        [BeforeFeature(Order = 1)]
        [Test, Retry(2)]
        public static void BeforeFeatureTab(FeatureContext featureContext)

And here we have were the fail is being captured

        public void AssertUrlContains(string comparing, IWebDriver driver)
            var currentUrl = driver.Url;
                WriteToReport(Status.Pass, "Pass: URL is correct");
            catch (Exception ex)
                WriteToReport(Status.Fail, "Fail error: " + ex);

Now I thought the Assert.That(false) would trigger a retry, but it is now. Can anyone see what I got wrong or missed pleased. Thanks Kev

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