vendredi 27 novembre 2020

react library testing are not updating my screen

I recently bumped into this weird problem. I am using react-testing-library and am trying to make a simple update. Whenever the user types in the correct name, they will be awarded 10 points and it will be logged on the screen. However, currently the new score doesn't get logged (I remain at the default score which is 0) and I also get the error saying: Cannot log after tests are done. Did you forget to wait for something async in your test? Attempted to log "Warning: An update to Pokemon inside a test was not wrapped in act(...).

This is how my test code looks like

test.only("should have their score updated if they guess the name correctly", async () => {
    const guessedPokemon = "Pikachu";
    jest.spyOn(global, "fetch").mockResolvedValue({
      json: () =>
          name: "Pikachu",
          sprites: {
            other: {
              "official-artwork": {
    render(<Pokemon pokemonTrainer={pokemonTrainer} />);
    expect(screen.getByText(/Score: 0/)).toBeInTheDocument();
    await waitFor(() => screen.findByRole("img"));
    userEvent.type(await screen.findByRole("textbox"), guessedPokemon);
    await waitFor(() =>"button")))
    expect(screen.getByText(/Score: 10/)).toBeInTheDocument()

This is the code it is supposed to call:

const handleChange = (e) => setValue(;

  const handleSubmit = async (e) => {
    pokemonRef.current = await getPokemon();
    setPokemonList((prev) => [
      { name:, image: pokemonRef.current.image },

  const updateScore = async (guessedPokemonName) => {
    if (guessedPokemonName === pokemonList[pokemonList.length - 1].name) {
       setPokemonTrainerObject(prev => ({...prev, score: pokemonTrainerObject['score'] + 10 || 10 }))

Basically I am submitting the user input, and if it is corrent guessedPokemonName === pokemonList[pokemonList.length - 1].name then the user object will update the score. This is what I am trying to emulate with my test.

I have tried to use the waitFor to hope that the code understands that the components needs to be updated but to no avail.

Is there anyone out there that have encountered something similar?

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