jeudi 26 novembre 2020

Sinon.restore not working for stubbing and testing AWS functions

So I'm trying to write a few tests for testing an AWS wrapper library that I have been writing. The tests are running individually without any issues, but won't all run as one 'describe' block.

const AWS_REGION = 'eu-west-2';

const aws = require('aws-sdk');
const chai = require('chai');
const expect = chai.expect;
const sinon = require('sinon');
const sinonChai = require('sinon-chai');

// These help:
describe('SQS Utilities Test', () => {

  afterEach(() => {

  it('should add to SQS', async () => {
    sinon.stub(aws.config, 'update');

    const sqs = {
      sendMessage: sinon.stub().returnsThis(),
      promise: sinon.stub()
    sinon.stub(aws, 'SQS').callsFake(() => sqs);

    // these use the above stubbed version of aws
    const AWSUtilities = require('../index').AWSUtilities;
    const awsUtilities = new AWSUtilities(AWS_REGION);
    const response = await awsUtilities.postToSQS('', { id: 1}, 'chicken');


  it('should get from SQS', async () => {
    sinon.stub(aws.config, 'update');

    const sqs = {
      receiveMessage: sinon.stub().returnsThis(),
      promise: sinon.stub()
    sinon.stub(aws, 'SQS').callsFake(() => sqs);

    // these use the above stubbed version of aws
    const AWSUtilities = require('../index').AWSUtilities;
    const awsUtilities = new AWSUtilities(AWS_REGION);

    const response = await awsUtilities.getFromSQS('');


What I noticed, is that in the second test, the error I am getting is sqs.receiveMessage is not a function, which means that the second test is using the sqs object from the first test (I can further verify this as the error changes if I add receiveMessage to the first test sqs object).

Is this a bug in sinon restore, or have I written something incorrectly? Here is the whole library:

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