lundi 14 décembre 2020

how to add "key"\"flag" in nodejs to open chrome debugger for jest

im trying to use chrome debugger with jest. i figured out that if i write the command:

node --inspect-brk ./__tests__/testname.js

it open chrome debugger(btw, why sometimes the chrome tab opens authomatically and sometimes i need to open it manually from chrome://inspect and than Open dedicated DevTools for Node ?)

but. what i want is to use flag, i mean, to write in the terminal:

DEBUG=true jest -f testname

so that when i excute that command' it will open the debugger. so by that i need to find a way so:

DEBUG=true jest -f testname will be equal to the command node --inspect-brk ./tests/testname.js

any ideas how can i reach that?

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