jeudi 17 décembre 2020

React Testing Library: Test if Elements have been mapped/rendered


I have a list of Items that I want to test by each one of the items name value (string). I'm using @testing-library/react and have the test suite correctly working, but I can't get my test to work.


  • Each item has a test id of data-testid="side-menu-link". Does this have to be unique or can it be tested as is?
  • The menuItems consist of strings like Dashboard, Settings, and User Preferences


// Imports: Dependencies
import React from 'react';
import { render, screen } from '@testing-library/react';

// Imports: App
import App from '../../App';

// Side Menu: Dashboard
test('Renders Dashboard correctly', () => {
  // Render: App
  const { getByTestId } = render(<App />);

  // Expect

// Side Menu: User Preferences
test('Renders Dashboard correctly', () => {
  // Render: App
  const { getByTestId } = render(<App />);

  // Expect
  expect(getByTestId('side-menu-link')).toHaveAttribute('User Preferences')

Map Items:

// Map Menu Items
return, i) => {
  return (
    <Link data-testid="side-menu-link" key={i} href="#" className="side-menu-link" to={`/${menuItem.itemName}`}>
      <div className={props.currenttab === `${menuItem.itemName}` ? 'side-menu-item-container-selected-light' : 'side-menu-item-container-light'}>
        <p className={props.currenttab === `${menuItem.itemName}` ? 'side-menu-title-selected-light' : 'side-menu-title-light'}>{menuItem.itemName}</p>

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