dimanche 6 décembre 2020

SpecFlow - C# - var abc =table.CreateInstance<>() null

I have this scenario. Basically I want to log in with certain roles and then enumerate through the table of values at a point in my test to see if they are all viewable.

Scenario Outline: View something with user.
    Given I navigate to the application with "<Role>"
    When I view something for "<SubRole>"
    Then all things should be viewable for "<SubRole>"
        | Sequence | Things |
        | 1        | thing1 |
        | 2        | thing2 |
        | 3        | thing3 |
        | 4        | thing4 |

        | Role       | SubRole|
        | System role| user1  |
 [Then(@"all things should be viewable for ""(.*)""")]
        public void ThenAllThingsShouldBeViewableFor(string subRole, Table table)
             var things = table.CreateInstance<AllThings>();

   foreach (var stuff in things.Things.ToString())
             //code to check if all things in table are viewable
public class AllThings
    public string Sequence { get; set; }
    public string Things{ get; set; }


However var things = null for both Sequence and Things and i cant figure out why? The table populates fine but I cant assign it to the variable 'things' as it just returns null

Then when it comes to the foreach loop i get a 'System.NullReferenceException: 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object.''

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