mercredi 6 janvier 2021

async testing with Gingko and Gomega

I have expanded the following code as per my requirement.

Purpose of this code is to watch of certain events (CREATE, WRITE) and take appropriate action based on that. To test this code I am using Ginkgo and Gomega and this is where I am looking for help.

I am trying to test below peace of code (Also provided in link) and I am not sure how should I proceed.

    go func() {
        for {
            select {
            case event := <-w.Event:
                fmt.Println(event) // Print the event's info.
            case err := <-w.Error:
            case <-w.Closed:

I checked, Gomega has support for async testing which supports "Channel" but I tried couple of things but I ended up initialising new watcher object which require actual event to be triggered for testing. I tried to create "tempDir" so I can trigger CRETE / WRITE event and then close the channel but its not helping and after running this particular test, it just wait for channel to be closed.

                w := watcher.New()
                w.FilterOps(watcher.Create, watcher.Write)

                dir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "watcher2")

                defer os.RemoveAll(dir)
                tmpfile := filepath.Join(dir, "watcherremoved")

                err = ioutil.WriteFile(tmpfile, []byte("init"), 0666)

                event := <-w.Event

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