dimanche 17 janvier 2021

Globally test Nuxt.js SPA app, no mocks and unit tests, just functional testing

I'm looking for a way to easily test my Nuxt.js app. I want to just test the entire app by accessing page by page and check that it contains the expected text or HTML elements. I tried with jest but configuring it is a mess and at some point I get errors like:

[Vue warn]: Error in render: "TypeError: Cannot read property 'state' of undefined"

because I guess that I need to mock my stores and I would like to avoid that and searching for an automated and self-configured way to execute just functional tests, so at the end to simulate navigating my app like a user would do in the browser (but at the same time I would like to avoid using automated tools like puppeteer and similar).

What options do I have? Would @nuxt/test-utils be useful for the purpose?

I tried to configure that too but I did not succeed (maybe a complete sample with code would be useful, but I could not find a real sample, most of them use @vue/test-utils)!


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