lundi 4 janvier 2021

Is it possibel to do InMemory testing with Migrating and Seed Once

I am writing functional tests with in-memory database

I recently installed a plugin, laravel permission.

before, I had a simple profile_id field in my users table. So, I just had to use refreshDatabase trait create a user and test it for each user test. It was pretty fast.

Now I have migrated to laravel permission, I have defined more that 100 permissions. I have to migrate DB and seed them for each tests. Now, each tests take up to 3 secs, and I have 112 test, and this is just the beginning. It is just too slow this way.

I tried to use a MigrateAndSeedOnce method inside my setUp() method:

trait MigrateFreshSeedOnce
     * If true, setup has run at least once.
     * @var boolean
    protected static $setUpHasRunOnce = false;
     * After the first run of setUp "migrate:fresh --seed"
     * @return void
    public function setUp() :void
        if (!static::$setUpHasRunOnce) {



            $this->company = Company::factory()->create();
            $this->operation = Operation::factory()->create(['company_id' => 1]);
            $this->user = User::factory()->create(
                    'email' => '',
                    'company_id' => 1, 
                    'operation_id' => 1,
            static::$setUpHasRunOnce = true;


This works great for the first test, but for the second test, $this->user is null.

Is it possible to perform this with in-memory database ( this would be much faster ), or must I switch to Sqlite DB ( slower ), or is there any other better option ?

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