dimanche 24 janvier 2021

Tes repositories with @JDBCTest in multi-module SpringBoot project

Repo: https://github.com/nallwhy/spring_boot_rumbl/tree/feature/test_repository

My app has two modules; myapp-domain(business, database, ...), myapp-web(controller, view, ...).

I want to test repositories with @JDBCTest in domain module, but repository bean is not exist because domain module don't have SpringApplication.

@AutoConfigureTestDatabase(replace = AutoConfigureTestDatabase.Replace.NONE)
class UserJDBCDAOTests {
    private lateinit var userJDBCDAO: UserJDBCDAO

    inner class Test_get {
        fun with_exist_user_id() {
            val user = userJDBCDAO.create("test@exmaple.com")!!

            val get_user = userJDBCDAO.get(user.id)
            assertEquals(user, get_user)

How to create repository bean on testing without Spring application?

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