I understand I am probably testing too much with each test, but I am learning. Also i have fixed the 1st test to not give the false input as the 1st side effect. Code works, so the "issue" is 'technically' fixed. I just thought it was peculiar quirk and I wanted to ask.
The quirk:
When each test was run individually (whether by commenting out or specifying on CLI) the test works correctly and passes fine. But what i did notice was that together, either None
was received as the patched input on 2nd test or the value was given of the side_effect of the 1st test or a
class TestEmailer(unittest.TestCase):
week = '0'
test_sport = 'football'
@patch('builtins.input', side_effect=['a', week])
def test_for_correct_week_selection(self, mock_week):
'''Verify input is accepted as the correct one '''
value = mailer.week_for_email()
self.assertEqual(self.week, value)
@patch('builtins.input', side_effect=['1', week])
def test_for_correctly_built_subject(self, mock_input):
''' Very subject is correctly formed '''
test = (f'{self.test_sport.title()} games for Week {self.week}')
subject = mailer.build_subject()
self.assertEqual(test, subject)
def week_for_email():
week = None
if makefile.week is None:
while active:
week = input('Please input week ')
if not week.isnumeric():
raise AttributeError('Need a number')
except AttributeError as e:
makefile.week = week
week = makefile.week
return week
def select_sport():
print('Which sport to send out email? ')
game = SportPicker.get_sport() <-- This is also a while loop
return game
def build_subject():
sport = select_sport()
week = week_for_email()
return '{} games for Week {}'.format(sport.title(), week)
Sport Picker
class SportPicker:
sports = ((1, 'football'),
(2, 'soccer'),
(3, 'basketball'),
(4, 'hockey'))
def get_sport(cls):
while True:
for sport in cls.sports:
print('{}: {}'.format(sport[0], sport[1]))
val = input('Enter a number for sport: ')
val_list = map(str, range(1,len(cls.sports)+1))
if val not in val_list:
print('Enter [{}]'.format(', '.join(val for val in val_list)))
for sport in cls.sports:
val = int(val)
if val == sport[0]:
sport = sport[1]
return sport
The Error
FAIL: test_for_correctly_built_subject (bet_tastic.tests.test_email.TestEmailer)
Very subject is correctly formed
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Python38\lib\unittest\mock.py", line 1325, in patched
return func(*newargs, **newkeywargs)
File "C:\Users\Antho\Desktop\projectz\bet_tastic\bet_tastic\tests\test_email.py", line 23, in test_for_correctly_built_subject
self.assertEqual(test, subject)
AssertionError: 'Football games for Week 0' != 'Football games for Week a'
- Football games for Week 0
+ Football games for Week a
? ^
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