dimanche 28 mars 2021

How to compare values (aliases) in Cypress.io?

I have two views on my application, a grid with just profile pictures and a name overlayed.

The first view, from the grid, I have saved to an alias called username1

I then want to click on the profile and then make sure that the name property that shows up is the same as the grid view. I have that name saved as a variable profile1Username.

grabbing username from grid view

      .then(($name) => {
        return $name.text()
    cy.get('@username1').then(($name) => {

clicking on the profile

      .then(($name) => {
        return $name.text()
 cy.get('@profile1Username').then(($name) => {

cy.get('@profile1Username').should('have.value', '@username1')

This should call just checks to see if the profile1username = the string of 'username1' and NOT the value.

What am I doing wrong here? I am able to log the values correctly, but then I am apparently not being able to get the values in the .should() I use at the end to compare.


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