mardi 30 mars 2021

Read TestFixture parameters from derived class in base class in NUnit

I have problem in which I do not know how to read the TestFixture Parameters in my TestBase class given in my derived Test class.

The way I want to structure my test cases is by having many derived test classes which inherits from a base class. There are some logic I need to do in the base class which will apply to all my derived classes.

Base class

public abstract class TestBase
    public async Task ExecuteTestCaseAsync(string parameter1, string parameter2)
         // Some logic handling the parameters
         await this.RunAsync();
         // Clean up
    protected abstract Task RunAsync();

A derived class

    [TestFixture("parameter1", "parameter2")]
    public class Test1 : TestBase
        protected override async Task RunAsync()
            // Some logic

Is there a way to do that in NUnit?

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