jeudi 29 janvier 2015

Automated testing of webrtc application?

I am developing a conferencing app, details:

  • target: chrome browser

  • server: node.js ( currently windows env)

simplest test scenario would be:

  1. open two browser tabs( open browser if need be)

  2. emulate button click on both.

  3. emulate accept getUserMedia request( hardest part)

  4. more emulation stuff and reading JavaScript variable values and verifying them.

Till now, I have been doing manual testing for all of this, but decided that it would be impractical for the long run. I have not done much automated testing( just a bit of unit testing). Initially, i thought mocha would do the job, but beginning to think it is not enough.

I need some pointers as to what are tools or alternate test frameworks needed to achieve browser starting, tab opening and giving media sharing permissions.

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