lundi 28 septembre 2015

Running integration/acceptance tests for an umbrella app in elixir

I have a project that consists of an Umbrella App. The child apps under the umbrella consist of a core/main/domain application a delivery app, a database backed repository and an in memory repository.

I would like to write a few integration tests that send http requests and check the changes in the database. As these tests require the coordination of several of the child apps these tests belong in the umbrella app and not in an individual childs test directory.

The default umbrella project does not get created with a test directory so I am unsure where they belong.

I have created a test dir and added a test_helper.exs that calls ExUnit.start and a project_test.exs test. but when I run mix test from the umbrella directory it only finds test in the apps/component/test directory and not the tests in the test directory

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