mercredi 25 janvier 2017

Providing a mock to another mocks constructor?

I'm curious about whether I'm doing things right here, as I'm new to testing.

I have two services (so far), AuthService and CommentService. CommentService depends on AuthService, and AuthService depends on a 3rd party class (\SlimSession\Helper).

In my unit test for AuthService I simply mock \SlimSession\Helper and provide the mock to the constructor.

Now, in my test for CommentService I mock the AuthService and provide it to the constructor of the CommentService. But I must also create a mock of the \SlimSession\Helper again to provide it to the constructor of my mocked AuthService.

$session = $this->getMockBuilder('\SlimSession\Helper')

$auth = $this->getMockBuilder('\App\Service\AuthService')


Is this right? It seems a bit silly to have to provide a (mock) dependency to a mock object, since it won't use that dependency anyway.

My question regards PHPUnit in particular, but I guess it could be made generally for unit testing.

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