mardi 30 mai 2017

angularjs unit test,test service 'Expected undefined to be 5, 'should have expected no. of strategys'.'

I follow the official website of the process to write an isolated service test, but there is a problem, I guess the data is not recognized, I am a novice, I do not know what this is caused by this.

test service get should have expected fake strategys (then) FAILED

  'Accept': 'application/json',
  'Content-Type': 'application/json'

export class StrategyTablesService extends RESTClient {

  public constructor(http: Http) {

  protected requestInterceptor(req: Request) {


  protected responseInterceptor(res: Observable<Response>): Observable<Response> {
    return res;

  public getStrategys( @Query("sort") sort?: string ): Observable<any> { return null; };

  // 分页条件查询
  public getAllstrategys( @Path('strategyname') strategyname:string ,@Path('isuseragent') isuseragent:string ,@Path('iscookie') iscookie:string ,@Path('page') page:number,
                           @Path('size') size:number, @Path('sorts') sorts:string): Observable<any> { return null; };
  public getStrategyById( @Path("id") id: string ): Observable<any> { return null; };

  public updateStrategyById( @Path("id") id: number, @Body strategy: Strategy): Observable<any> { return null; };

  public deleteStrategyById( @Path("id") id: number): Observable<any> { return null; };

  public createStrategy(@Body strategy: Strategy): Observable<any> { return null; };

import {StrategyTablesService} from "./strategyTables.service";
import {Http, HttpModule, XHRBackend,Response, ResponseOptions} from "@angular/http";
import {TestBed, inject, async} from "@angular/core/testing";
import {MockBackend,MockConnection} from"@angular/http/testing";
import {Strategy} from "../domain/strategy";

import 'rxjs/add/observable/of';

import 'rxjs/add/operator/catch';
import 'rxjs/add/operator/do';
import 'rxjs/add/operator/toPromise';

const makeStrategyData = () => [
    "id": 20,
    "strategyname": "abcee",
    "isuseragent": "?",
    "depth": 10,
    "download_delay": 3,
    "iscookie": "?",
    "agent": "2",
    "starttime": "2017?4?3? 20:7:28"
    "id": 19,
    "strategyname": "efg",
    "isuseragent": "?",
    "depth": 10,
    "downloadDelay": 3,
    "iscookie": "?",
    "agent": "2",
    "starttime": "2017?4?3? 20:5:39"
    "id": 18,
    "strategyname": "abcde",
    "isuseragent": "?",
    "depth": 10,
    "download_delay": 3,
    "iscookie": "?",
    "agent": "2",
    "starttime": "2017?4?3? 20:0:17"
    "id": 16,
    "strategyname": "11",
    "isuseragent": "?",
    "depth": 2,
    "download_delay": 3,
    "iscookie": "?",
    "agent": "2",
    "starttime": "2017?4?3? 19:48:21"
    "id": 14,
    "strategyname": "abc",
    "isuseragent": "?",
    "depth": 2,
    "download_delay": 3,
    "iscookie": "?",
    "agent": "2",
    "starttime": "2017?4?3? 19:48:4"
] as Strategy[];

describe('test service',()=> {
        { provide: XHRBackend, useClass: MockBackend }

  it('can instantiate service when inject service ',inject([StrategyTablesService],(service:StrategyTablesService) =>{
    expect(service instanceof StrategyTablesService).toBe(true);

  it('can instantiate service with "new"', inject([Http], (http: Http) => {
    expect(http).not.toBeNull('http should be provided');
    let service = new StrategyTablesService(http);
    expect(service instanceof StrategyTablesService).toBe(true, 'new service should be ok');

  it('can provide the mockBackend as XHRBackend',
    inject([XHRBackend], (backend: MockBackend) => {
      expect(backend).not.toBeNull('backend should be provided');

  describe('get',()=> {
    let backend: MockBackend;
    let service: StrategyTablesService;
    let fakeStrategy: Strategy[];
    let response: Response;

    beforeEach(inject([Http, XHRBackend], (http: Http, be: MockBackend) => {
      backend = be;
      service = new StrategyTablesService(http);
      fakeStrategy = makeStrategyData();
      let options = new ResponseOptions({status: 200, body: {data: fakeStrategy}});
      response = new Response(options);

   it('should have expected fake strategys (then)', async(inject([], () => {
      backend.connections.subscribe((c: MockConnection) => c.mockRespond(response));

      // .then(() => Promise.reject('deliberate'))
        .then(strategys => {
            'should have expected no. of strategys');

Expected undefined to be 5, 'should have expected no. of strategys'.

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