vendredi 26 mai 2017

How can I remove some spaces from a string? - Swift3

i have a question... i write tests for a mobile app. And at this moment i compare the prices in different currencies like pound, euro, india and so on.... A possible comparison should be "now £1.678,95". It's no problem for me to cut the "now", to cut the whitespace - short, to get the string in a possible Int or Double formation. BUT now i'am in france. In France the formation is "maintenant 2 500,00 €". No problem with the "maintenant", no problem with the whitespace outside the price and no Problem with "€".

BUT there is a space IN the price between 2 and 500. If i run my test, i have only the "2" the rest is gone! How can i do it, that the whitespace should not cut here. It should backspaced from "2 500,00" to "2500,00".

Hope you have an idea :) Thanks!

My code at this moment is :

        var firstPrice = XCUIApplication().collectionViews.cells.element(boundBy: 0).staticTexts.element(boundBy: 2).label

    firstPrice = firstPrice.replacingOccurrences(of: "£", with: "")
    firstPrice = firstPrice.replacingOccurrences(of: "€", with: "")
    firstPrice = firstPrice.replacingOccurrences(of: "₹", with: "")

    let firstPriceArray = firstPrice.components(separatedBy: .whitespaces).filter { !$0.isEmpty }
    firstPrice = firstPriceArray[1]
    let firstPriceTrimmedDouble = firstPrice.toDouble(with: SiteIDHelper.locale(from: SiteIDHelper.SiteID(rawValue: Int(sideIDS))!))!

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