samedi 30 septembre 2017

Call function, which randomize parameters for test, within decorators

I am in proccess of writing variety of tests. and most of them are look like this:

    @pytest.mark.parametrize("name, price, count, type, countPoints, device", [
        ('test_name1', 3001, 1, 'key', 1, CAR),
        ('test_name2', 3000, 167, '', 1, MOTO),
        # and so on, choosing different parameters
    def test_getItemTradePreferences(name, price, count, type, countPoints, appid):
            assert testing_funtion(price,count,type,countPoints,appid) == val_obj.getItemTradePreferences(name,price,count,type,countPoints)

then I thought it will be better not to type parameters manually but write a function which will use random and do it for me.

def generate_testing_values():
    return ['test_nameX', randint(0, 3000), randint(1, 1000), '', randint(1, 1000), choice([CAR, MOTO])]

and call test like this:

@pytest.mark.parametrize("name, price, count, type, countPoints, device", [
        # can I call generate_testing_values() in loop?
    def test_getItemTradePreferences(name, price, count, type, countPoints, appid):
            assert testing_funtion(price,count,type,countPoints,appid) == val_obj.getItemTradePreferences(name,

But can I somehow call this generate_testing_values() in loop within decorator? I have not found the solution yet, if you know please share.

Thank you!

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