mardi 27 novembre 2018

Apache JMeter showing different result in windows and linux for same test

I have an apache jemeter 5.0 installed, i) locally in windows ii) in aws ec2 server.

In local windows for 2000 users its showing 5% error, screen shot is attached.

enter image description here

and error screen is as follows, enter image description here

But i ran the same test in aws ec2 for **20000 (note twenty thousand), but it doesnt show any error (error is 0 percent)**

2018-11-27 08:27:51,464 INFO o.a.j.r.Summariser: summary +   1730 in 00:00:21 =   80.7/s Avg:  1091 Min:    10 Max: 17343 Err:     0 (0.00%) Active: 0 Started: 20000 Finished: 20000
2018-11-27 08:27:51,464 INFO o.a.j.r.Summariser: summary =  60000 in 00:06:05 =  164.5/s Avg:   351 Min:    10 Max: 17343 Err:     0 (0.00%)

why is that am i missing something?

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