mardi 26 février 2019

Element not found: Trying to verify a disabled button

Trying to verify this button if it is disable on the page :

<div class="btn-group pull-right" xpath="1"><div class="pull-right" style=""><input type="submit" ng-disabled="registrationForm.$invalid|| vm.payload.ConfirmPassword!=  vm.payload.Password|| vm.payload.ConfirmEmail!= vm.payload.Email|| vm.isAgreed== false|| vm.payload.GRecaptchaResponse== ''" class="btn btn-success btn-flat" value="Register and Continue" disabled="disabled" style=""></div></div>

But every time I run it, it says Element not found:(using katalon) Tried adding delay()/ waitForElement but got the same error.

This is the xpath I am using : //div[@class='btn-group pull-right']


WebUI.verifyElementNotClickable(findTestObject('H3. Sign Up/H3.5 Providing correct details (Profile and Contact page) without checking Terms and Conditions and Captcha/Page_Demo Bookie (BETA)/Register And Continue Button'))

Can anyone help me or share any idea on how to fix this?

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