vendredi 28 juin 2019

How can I test an onClick line of a React component using Jest?

I am learning React and I am currently trying Jest/testing. I am starting tests on a small project and I want to get 100% code coverage. Here's what I have.


import React from 'react';

function Square(props) {
    const className = props.isWinningSquare ?
        "square winning-square" :
    return (
            onClick={() => props.onClick()}

export default Square


import React from 'react';
import Square from '../square';
import {create} from 'react-test-renderer';

describe('Square Simple Snapshot Test', () => {
    test('Testing square', () => {
        let tree = create(<Square />);

describe('Square className is affected by isWinningSquare prop', () => {
    test('props.isWinningSquare is false, className should be "square"', () =>{
        let tree = create(<Square isWinningSquare={false} />);

    test('props.isWinningSquare is true, className should be "square winning-square"', () =>{
        let tree = create(<Square isWinningSquare={true} />);

        expect(tree.root.findByType('button').props.className).toEqual('square winning-square');


The line indicated as "uncovered" is

onClick={() => props.onClick()}

What is the best way to test this line? Any recommendations?

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