samedi 29 juin 2019

Test Jasmine returns undefined for response

I have written a node JS application where I am passing in my mongoDB url. Via the process.env, I am able to parse my mongoDB url into my js. The reason for this is I do not wish to hardcode my mongoDB ip. It should be able to swap out at any point of time for another mongoDB database hosted in a separate infrastructure environment. i.e MONGODB_URL='mongodb://localhost:27017/user' npm start

I am writing a test case for this using jasmine-node, however, when I try to do MONGODB_URL='mongodb://localhost:27017/user' npm test, it doesnt seem that any test cases are running and it returns an undefined for my response.

This is my github repo for my code in the development branch.

Does anyone know what is the cause or how I should have written it?

Thank you

var request = require("request");
var base_url = "http://localhost:4000/";
var server = require("../app.js");

// sample unit test begin
describe("Test Base Page", function() {
  describe("GET /", function() {
    it("returns status code 200", function(done) {
      request.get("http://localhost:4000/", function(error, response, body) {


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