jeudi 30 janvier 2020

Can't find appium ID because all the IDs are showing up as squares

Appium is showing all the IDs I'm putting into my code as simple squares. Like, real s.

Tried to start recording myself selecting elements so I could check if the IDs are being actually found or if Appium is just with some issue, but even the code on the recorder displays an  on the xPath.

Output from the recorder:

let el3 = await driver.elementByXPath("(//XCUIElementTypeOther[@name=\"\"])[2]"); await;

Fiddle for the output appium displays when I tried to record myself selecting an element:

Running on iOS, Xcode Version 11.3.1 (11C504). My application is built on react-native.

Here's how I'm trying to slip the IDs into the code:

<Button onPress={() => this.setState({ routeName: GLOBALS.NAVIGATOR.GUIAS_PENDENTES })} style= badge name='teste' testID='teste' accessibilityIdentifier='teste' vertical> { renderIf(this.state.qtdePendencias > 0, <Badge style=><Text>{this.state.qtdePendencias}</Text></Badge>) } <MaterialCommunityIcons name="alert-outline" style= /> </Button>

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