jeudi 30 avril 2020

Can I use `expect.stringContaining()` inside a Jest `.toHaveBeenCalledWith()` block?

Is it possible to use expect.stringContaining() inside a Jest .toHaveBeenCalledWith() block?

I am currently using:

  creatorId: expect.stringContaining("user_"),
  chatRoomUuid: expect.stringContaining("chatRoom_"),

But this fails with:

    - Expected
    + Received

    Object {
  -   "chatRoomUuid": StringContaining "chatRoom_",
  -   "creatorId": StringContaining "user_",
  +   "chatRoomUuid": "chatRoom_sZ9nj4hC46e4bGz4PjYzpC",
  +   "creatorId": "user_nCQsasvYirUwwoEr3j8HsC",

This is odd, as you can see from the error, the recieved strings match what's expected

I've also tried:

  creatorId: expect.stringMatching(/user_.*/),
  chatRoomUuid: expect.stringMatching(/chatRoom_.*/),

With the same results as shown above.

How can I use expect.stringContaining() inside a Jest .toHaveBeenCalledWith() block?

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