lundi 27 avril 2020

How to get reports from testcafe docker image?

I created an docker image based on the testcafe image.

But the xunit and html reports are not being generated, is there some way of doing it?

FROM testcafe/testcafe USER root RUN npm install -g testcafe-reporter-xunit RUN npm install -g testcafe-reporter-html WORKDIR /app COPY ./package.json /app COPY ./ /app CMD ["chromium:headless --no-sandbox", "--reporter xunit:reports/jReport.xml,html:reports/report.html"]

If I do a top inside the container looks like the command is correct:

/bin/sh /opt/testcafe/docker/ chromium:headless --no-sandbox --reporter xunit:reports/jReport.xml,html:reports/report.html

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